News Flashes

Saturday Bells 9.30-11, Orchestra11-2pm.  Tuesday Choristers 7.30pm Thursday Young Choristers 7pm,Gregorian 8.30pm   Friday Junior Orchestra 5-6pm



Bells - 9.30 -11am Sat,  Orchestra - 11am-2pm Sat

Choristers - 7.30 Tue, Young Choristers 7pm Thu, Gregorian 8.30 Thu,  Junior Orchestra - 5pm Friday

KNo rehearsals in the month of January.   All groups start in February






Ryde Library Morning Tea

extra events
2023-11-13 10:30

Ensembles, Solos, Bells, Voices, Orchestra - promoing events happening at St Kevins 50th Festival of St Cecilia at end of November


All Dates

  • 2023-11-13 10:30

List of Participants

 No Participant 

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