News Flashes



Bells - 9.30 -11am Sat,  Orchestra - 11am-2pm Sat

Choristers - 7.30 Tue, Young Choristers 7pm Thu, Gregorian 8.30 Thu,  Junior Orchestra - 5pm Friday

KNo rehearsals in the month of January.   All groups start in February






Saturday Bells 9.30-11, Orchestra11-2pm.  Tuesday Choristers 7.30pm Thursday Young Choristers 7pm,Gregorian 8.30pm   Friday Junior Orchestra 5-6pm


St Kevins Catholic Church, Eastwood
Annual Festival of Saint Cecilia

Location: In the Church - 36 Hillview Road, Eastwood
(refreshments in the Haseler Centre Hall, below the Church)

.... held on the Sunday closest to November 22nd each year, this each year coinciding with the Feast of Christ the King.

The Festival was started in 1974 as a source of inspiration for those seeking to praise God in the form of music. Both local talent and visitors have filled a very large programme each year, with music ranging from deeply devotional to very lightly religious, from early Baroque music to twentieth century, from folk music to classical and traditional chants to orchestrated SATB choral works such as Handel's "Messiah", Dvorak, Faure and Brahms "Requiem"'s and Gounod's "Messe Solennelle" of St Cecilia

Participation in the Festival.

All groups in the parish and associated schools are warmly encouraged to take part in the Festival of St. Cecilia. All Masses are accompanied by Music.

In addition the Sunday afternoon is filled with music and other presentations, ranging from dance to drama and poetry.

On some occasions a concert or dramatic performance is held in the Haseler Centre on the Saturday evening or as part of the Sunday afternoon programme

This year's Festival - 25th,26th November. Major choral work - Mozart's "Coronation Mass"