Kevinwood hosted a visit by English composer/handbell arranger from France. For anyone interested in a sample of a score of 2 pages of the Trumpet Voluntary in this notation it can be downloaded here.
Bells - 9.30 -11am Sat, Orchestra - 11am-2pm Sat
Choristers - 7.30 Tue, Young Choristers 7pm Thu, Gregorian 8.30 Thu, Junior Orchestra - 5pm Friday
KNo rehearsals in the month of January. All groups start in February
Saturday Bells 9.30-11, Orchestra11-2pm. Tuesday Choristers 7.30pm Thursday Young Choristers 7pm,Gregorian 8.30pm Friday Junior Orchestra 5-6pm
Kevinwood hosted a visit by English composer/handbell arranger from France. For anyone interested in a sample of a score of 2 pages of the Trumpet Voluntary in this notation it can be downloaded here.