News Flashes

Saturday Bells 9.30-11, Orchestra11-2pm.  Tuesday Choristers 7.30pm Thursday Young Choristers 7pm,Gregorian 8.30pm   Friday Junior Orchestra 5-6pm



Bells - 9.30 -11am Sat,  Orchestra - 11am-2pm Sat

Choristers - 7.30 Tue, Young Choristers 7pm Thu, Gregorian 8.30 Thu,  Junior Orchestra - 5pm Friday

KNo rehearsals in the month of January.   All groups start in February







St . Kevins Gregorian Choir

St Kevins Mens Gregorian Choir was formed as one of the choirs to sing Mass at the Festival of St. Cecilia.

It rehearses weekly in the Haseler Centre (underneath St Kevins Church ) from February to December from 8.30-9.30pm - immediately following the Young Choristers rehearsal in the same location.

On the occasions when the Haseler Centre is occupied by other events, the choir moves to the Church itself for rehearsal.


Training given at rehearsals as to the interpretation of gregorian chant.

The Gregorian choir leads the singing at the 10.30am Mass at St. Kevins on the 2nd Sunday of each month from February to December.

Choir Chant Book : Liber Cantualis (Solesmes)

Masses I (Lux et Origo), IV (Cunctipotens), VIII (de Angelis), IX (Cum jubilo), XI (Orbis Factor), VII (Tempore Adventus et Quadragesimae), Pro Defunctis, also  XII, XVI - English versions.

Repertoire in addition includes:

Graduals: Haec Dies, Omnes Saba, Dominabitur, Christus Factus Es, Audi Filia…

Organum in various hymns.

Parts: Te Deum Laudamus , Dies Irae, Tu Es Sacerdos , Einsedln "Ave Maria", Magnificat